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Separate Camera Calibration

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As time is limited for us in the UK, I've just been out getting some subs when I was trying to think of a way to save time and multitask.

So here's my question:

Is it possible to have 2 identical cameras, one taking lights on the scope, and the other with the lens cap on taking darks/bias?

I have 2 canon DSLR's, a 500d and a 450d. From what I can tell they are nigh on exactly the same apart from slight programming differences and the obvious number of MP's.

If they are both out at the same time, they will be the same temperature. So the noise levels should be the same (ish?)

If this would work then I would be able to take many more calibration frames as well as being able to take more light frames.

So, what's your thoughts?

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