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FoV advice

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Hello there,

I hope this makes sense as some advice would be appreciated!

I was messing around with a FoV calculator, when I entered my details i.e. 6mm EP, 58o FoV, the image of Jupiter displayed was relatively small, so I decided to alter the AFoV in the calculator (just to experiment) and changed from 58o to 30o and the image of Jupiter increased! Is this true of EPs in 'real-life', if I buy a 6mm EP with a FoV of 30o will Jupiter appear larger as opposed to viewing it with my current 6mm FoV 58o?

Thank you in advance for any replies.

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No, the image will be the same size, as the magnification is the same. It may 'appear' to be bigger as it takes up more of the smaller fov.

I suspect what happened with the calculator was that the smaller fov was expanded to fill the same area as the larger one, making Jupiter appear bigger?


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This is a snapshot of a similar scenario. A 7mm Pentax XW with 70 degree afov and 7mm BGO with 42 degree afov. Jupiter remains the same, but less field is shown. Any appearance of being bigger is an optical illusion.




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Hello there,

I hope this makes sense as some advice would be appreciated!

I was messing around with a FoV calculator, when I entered my details i.e. 6mm EP, 58o FoV, the image of Jupiter displayed was relatively small, so I decided to alter the AFoV in the calculator (just to experiment) and changed from 58o to 30o and the image of Jupiter increased! Is this true of EPs in 'real-life', if I buy a 6mm EP with a FoV of 30o will Jupiter appear larger as opposed to viewing it with my current 6mm FoV 58o?

Thank you in advance for any replies.

58° !   Try holding down the left ALT key and typing in 0176 on the number pad...............58 ALT0176. This is not a complaint, just a solution to get the degree sign?

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58° !   Try holding down the left ALT key and typing in 0176 on the number pad...............58 ALT0176. This is not a complaint, just a solution to get the degree sign?

But then he could be on a laptop or other mobile device like a tablet which will not work the same.

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Possibly........Most mobiles / pads leave a signature saying some thing like "sent from iPhone" (default) I don't see that above, so assuming  a PC is n use.  This feature works on W7 PC. There are many folk that don't have the degree sign in their messages. its not like you can SHIFT a KEY!  Like I said, not an issue, just  help for those wishing to know :laugh:

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Posting on my phone now and pretty sure it DOESN'T add its own sig. I think that's a Tapatalk thing.

As for the mag and FOV issue, that's why I use the "scale image circle" option in the Stellarium Oculars plugin.

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Hahahaha I only wanted some advice on FoV issues, I didn't realise that it would become a lesson on maths symbols, Charic; I possess an MA in maths so understand ° very well, indeed! I don't understand computers very well though! The o was used for convenience/quickness (as I was watching the Olympic ice hockey at the time of posting).

Thank you for the replies anyway!

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