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First Northern Lights


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After pestering people on here for camera buying advice before Christmas I thought I'd share my first few Northern Lights pics with you for comments

None of them are edited, all are straight JPGs off the camera, however I have them all as multiple frames in RAW format too for editing. They are 6 out of 700 that I took!, all in Reykjavic very early January. 

How's best to get the most out of these pics?







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Nice pics. I bet you had a great time up there - I've always wanted to visit Iceland.

If you have the RAW files, you could change levels and curves to make them a little more punchy - it wouldn't hurt to lif the colour a bit too.

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Great images as they are but a little more can be done (see below), but whether it makes enough difference or not depends of the viewers tastes really

Using CS6 I did just three things, 1) altered levels to inrease the highlights a bit  2) Hue and saturation, and pushed the Saturation to +30   3) Image>adjustments>shadows and highlights, where I brought the shadows back to to '0' and upped the highlights to +10.

I makes it brighter and more colourful but also a little false.


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