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At last it cleared up last night


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As it was raining all day yesterday so I did not have any hope getting  anything yet again. I set up at about 9.30pm by 10pm I had to pack up and come in as it started raining again. I was about to retire to bed around 1am when I noticed that it was clear, I set every thing up again deciding to use the newly aquired 150PDS rathermy 80mm Apo triplet. Eveything was fine and M101 was right in the middle of the CCD but halfway through the 600s sub  the laptop switched itself off. I started all over again and this time the power to the mount failed, by now it was 2.00am. I did not give up and by 2.40 am Iwas up and running again. In the end I ended up with 15X600s subs of M101. There was as usual plenty of moisture in the atmospher which later became little ice particles. Anyhow I am so glad that I managed to get anything after a few weeks . 15X600s, Atik 428EXC, a very uncollimated SW150PDS and Baader MPCC MKIII, IdasD1. Processed PI and PS.




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Great Pic, I know what it's like as soon as you see that clear sky we have to make the most of every opportunity at the moment.

Hi Paul,

Many thanks for the kind comment. You are quite right, last night I was like a kid in a candy shop, clear sky but actually not so clear but I am just happy I got something even though it is very noisy with bad  star shapes.



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Grateful to you all, here is a version with a more aggressive NR and a layer combine in PS to keep the background tidy, hope that you find it an improvement. At this moment I think that I am at the limit of my processing skills with Pixinsight and there also seems to be a Gamma change once the files are uploaded to SGL.




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