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Europa shadow/transit on Jupiter now, GRS later


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I ordered one of these to make my sessions more comfy for Jupiter next time, seems a nice cheap option for an astro chair :0) Lets face it, I doubt I would use it much for what it is actually intended :rolleyes:

Those "moments when it all comes right" are not too common in this hobby but when they do come along, they stick in the mind and keep us going during the more mediocre stuff  :smiley:

 You bet ya John, awesome when that happens :smiley:

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I ordered one of these to make my sessions more comfy for Jupiter next time, seems a nice cheap option for an astro chair :0) Lets face it, I doubt I would use it much for what it is actually intended :rolleyes:


Cracking idea!

I was out for about four hours last night and my back was aching by the time I came in, mainly because the computer chair I use doesn't go high enough at times when the Dob is pointed high above the horizon. This might do the trick :wink:

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I ordered one of these to make my sessions more comfy for Jupiter next time, seems a nice cheap option for an astro chair :0) Lets face it, I doubt I would use it much for what it is actually intended :rolleyes:


Using a chair will make a world of difference for you when viewing Jupiter (or any objects). 

Patience is the key to seeing more, increase the magnification until it goes a little mushy then just sit, watch and wait. :)

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I managed to view Jupiter between the Europa Transit and the GRS (and I'm more miffed about the latter - somehow I catch transits by accident fairly regularly, but the GRS always seems to be on the other side of the planet). The NEB seemed quite ... wavy, with what I think were festoons, though most just looked like thickenings of the band to me at x150/x200 

At 2000 there was one near the meridian that looked, well, almost like a large thickening of the NEB with a white hole in the middle of it. But I'm guessing that it isn't the same one as John and Moonshane are describing. Couldn't say about colours - I was testing a blue filter (which does improve contrast, though I prefer the Neodymium one - if only I could get it to screw onto my 8mm EP)

Seeing got worse through the evening, and I packed it in around 2030 when the moon rose and high hazy cloud came in.

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Someone on here flagged up this website for GRS transit times.


It takes about 90-120 minutes to cross

So I normally get the gear out for an hour before the time quoted (when it is central)

I have downloaded the app on my iPhone - looks great! It allows you to flip the view around so that the image of Jupiter and its moons appear as they do in whatever type of scope you have. Tht is very helpful to my brain! :rolleyes:

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Using a chair will make a world of difference for you when viewing Jupiter (or any objects). 

Patience is the key to seeing more, increase the magnification until it goes a little mushy then just sit, watch and wait. :)

I look forward to the chair, For now I managed using my garden table that has adjustable height and lean against it a bit, or I use one of my folding chars when the scope is lower, though my garden furniture solution does have dead spots where I have nothing and end up standing when the scope is at certain angles.

Thankfully I have a good back and perhaps playing quite a bit if snooker years ago and knowing how to keep the head still helps me in astronomy. I can get by standing for long periods, but it is a more strain after a while and I need to take my head away, straighten up for a few secs and start again, hopefully the chair will bring it to the next level with more comfort :smiley:

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