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Tele Vue 24mm Wide Field V's Meade 24.5mm SWA

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I have a chance to get (pre-owned) either an older Tele Vue 24mm Wide Field (the smooth bodied Japanese type) or a Meade 24.5 Super Wide Angle - the cost is around the same. From looking at various reports on the net it looks as if the TV would perform just a little bit better than the Meade - is this borne out by other peoples experience ?.

I'll be using it in a Celestron C5 (a Nexstar 5)and it will replace my current Speers-Waler 24mm which is pretty good for what it cost but I'm assuming will not be in the same league as either the Meade or the Tele Vue. At the moment I just can't afford a Panoptic which would run out at about twice as much again.

All views gratefully received,


North Somerset

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Can't comment on the older TV widefield but certainly its successor, the Panoptic, slightly outperforms the Meade. I had the chance to try both in a Takahashi Sky 90. Both were superb eyepieces and personally I couldn't see a difference but the reviews tend to lean in favour of the TV.


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