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My attempt at orion


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Here is my first attempt at capturing orion on my new mount.  for some reason its quite grainy but i did use iso 3600 so that might be the problem, the image is made from:

x27 light frames at 30sec

x10 dark frames

x30 flats 

x50 bias

when the sky clears up i would love to try this again but maybe using iso 800 and 1 min exposure 


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Nice image,

Indeed the image is pretty grainy this is due to to much curves on the histogram.

Try and use levels as much as possible, including the RGB channels you can normally tell you cant increase curves anymore as the peak turns more into a long slope to the dark point.

The blue channel needs to be adjusted just slightly, best way to sort this is to do an S shape on the curves from darks > light :)

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There are many things worse than a grainy image. No image being one of them, so that's a really good effort.

I'm impressed you've done flats with your Newt but have you tried not using darks with these sub lengths ? You may find there is little or no difference other then the image may not be as noisy without. If you use DSS give it a re stack without, perhaps, and use Sigma stacking as you've so many light frames. Keep experimenting,


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As dave said,

There also seems abit of vignetting are you using the barlow extension by any chance?

However i try to take the same amount of darks as i have flats.

ISO 3200 is pretty high but in levels you can use the eye dropper tool to get the darkness spread across the image without losing to much lights.

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Thanks for the comments and tips :) ill try and re-stack to today with no darks and see what it looks like. i did spent alot of time stretching the histogram so that might be why. i didn't use a extension Neb i have one but when i use it the camera wont focus it hits the end of the scope before its focused so ive just been using a t adapter straight onto the 150pl

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