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A little frustrated

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Well not really :wink:

I was out in the back garden last night viewing my fast becoming old favourite, Jupiter and the Galilean moons and then shifted across to Betelguese and the down to Rigel and attempted to find M42 with no success. 

It was a clear night but I couldn't seem to get anything in sharp focus, I've had Jupiter really sharp since I first got my scope and I would really like to get the most from it, I have 20, 10 and 8.5 mm EP's/ I can't seem to get on with the 2 x Barlow, not sure if dirt has got into it, so might think about another. 

I really enjoying what I can see and learning to my way around the south facing sky and have eagerly been reading and using Turn Left at Orion.

Really want to find a Messier and show off to my fiancé

Looking forward to more clear nights


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if its a 60-70mm class refractor m42 is probably too dim for it. Just show her the moon and jupiter. 

Not at all. I've had nice views of M42, M31, M81 and M81 and many other Messier objects using just a 60mm Tasco refractor. You just need to wait for a dark night rather than a moonlit one  :smiley:

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Barlows increase the magnification and make the view dimmer, so personally I wouldn't bother with a Barlow for DSOs.

Usually your lowest power (highest number eyepiece) will give the best views. Check out our sketching section for a close approximation of what you'll see.



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