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using a 2inch barlow lens with 1.25inch adaptor with my 1.25inch lens

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Question:  I am looking at getting a skywatcher ed 2inch balow lens with a 1.25inch adaptor..will this affect my viewing with my current lenses that are 1.25inch or is that the whole point of having the 1.25inch adaptor so you can use your standard lenses.  The barlow lens I am looking at getting is the Sky-Watcher 2" x2 ED Deluxe Barlow Lens...any thoughts would be very much appreciated.  Im wanting to get this for two reasons 1) it has 2ED elements and 2) upgradability to 2inch lens

kind regards



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Astro photography may be dependent on your type of telescope ( can it track  and follow the target) ? Your DSLR would fit to the telescope using T-Ring & T-Adaptor. I would imagine that you could insert the Barlow first, then add the camera. I did mention on a thread recently how small the image was using prime focal on my Nikon. I would suppose if I Barlowed the telescope, then accordingly the image should get larger. But haven't tried this yet, as I don't have a 2" Barlow just yet. Maybe others here have already tried!

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Hi Whitestar83,

The short answer is YES you will be able to connect your Canon using the t2 camera adaptor and either a 1/12" or 2" tee ring adaptor. (2" would be better as it will reduce any vignetting)

The barlow will reduce you field of view and also you will need to increase your exposure times.

The limitation will be that you will only be able to photograph the moon, as it is very bright... If your camera has video capability then you may be able to get a short 20 second video of Jupiter, which you can stack the individual frames from using Registax.

Unfortunately you will not be able to do much else without a tracking equitorial mount.

Hope this answers your question.

Best regards.

Sandy. :grin:

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as Lonestar70 reports,  because we have Dobsonian mounts,  its almost impossible to track a target without creating some sort of blurry  image. That said, It could be done, but with limits. My Gallery shows some Moon images from NIKON DSLR and HTC Android (handheld).

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Hi Nick, there is rarely a reason for barlowing a 2" ep as often these are low power and widefield for DSO observing, so whilst you can use 1.25" ep's in it in my opinion it will not get much use so will be a waste of money.

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