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Melotte 15 8" SCT


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A full night out last night, finally, attempted Melotte 15 & stayed up through the night for Jupiter, processing those later.

After seeing Ian's (Xgas) capture of this i had to have a go myself, no where in his league but i am happy i got something.

Sorry for the spikes i'm trying out Noel's Actions.

C8 SCT at F6.3

Atik 314L+

Ha 7nm 1.5hrs in 300 sec subs


I may post up some PHD graphs of what my mount is doing but RA OSC of 0.48 didn't seem to good to me & one minute guiding was good then it drifts yet again in DEC, driving me mad now so a new mount this year is def on the cards.

Hope you like it.

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This is a nice shot Ewan (though don't like the spikes).There is plenty of detail in there may benefit from more contrast.Regarding the

guiding I am having exactly the same problem I have an NEQ6. One minute its guiding at 0.25 rms then its at 0.4rms. This inconsistency

depends upon the area of sky I am targeting it is ok the further towards polaris but as I get closer to the celestial equator that's when the inconsistencies appear. Of course it all depends what imaging scale you are guiding at and how that translates to your imaging camera whether 0.4rms is bad. Mine is pretty much like for like.I am using a helios 80mm for a guide scope with a qhy5 camera and my rig is a ed80 imaging

scope with a atik 314L+ imaging camera.I don't know what the expectations are for a NEQ6 or if this is common, same for your rig.You wouldn't want to fork out on a new mount only to find out the problem is still there

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