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Gutted about these figures..


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From Daily Mail website:

"The most successful show of the 9pm category was the second installment of the BBC's The 7.39, on BBC One.

ITV's The Crimes That Fooled Britain drew 2.6million viewers and a 10.7% audience share, while 2.3million tuned in to watch Channel 5's Celebrity Big Brother.

In fact, the only show that The Taste beat in the ratings battle was BBC Two's Stargazing LIVE, which just 1.7million people tuned in to watch."

How irritating that the masses like Big Brother more than Stargazing Live.

I particularly liked that solar scope on the HEQ5!

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Mass market programs are just that- mass market. I can't see how its a surprise that a program (BB), aired at peak-time, designed to appeal to a wide demographic would not beat the viewing figures for a program (S@N) that appeals to a small sector and is aired at non-peak times.

Heck, I'm a keen amateur astronomer and I never watch S@N (can't stand it actually, either pre or post Sir PM) or Stargazing Live (what genius schedules that for January every year when you can guarantee poor weather?).

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big brother load of rubbish z list stars if you can call them stars cashing in, you never see the whole picture only what they want you see and how anyone can act natural being filmed is beyond me should be consigned to the garbage where it belongs.

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Actually, I'm pretty impressed by that. The 9pm section of Stargazing Live was the 'chatty' bit which, though somewhat interesting, can get a bit diverted by cocktails, and we're talking about a pretty specialist show competing with shows designed solely for mass appeal. It would be interesting how the 8pm section compared.

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