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Computing Final Picture in DSS...help

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I have registered and stacked all my lights, darks, flats and bias files in DSS. the whole procedure seems to have gone ok and then you get to the

Computing Final Picture(Auto Adaptive Weighted Average(Iterations=5)

DSS goes through the computing final picture phase registering about 60000 stars and then after about 10minutes at the end when I was expecting it to output to the autosave.tif file,DSS starts computing the final picture again.

How do I get it to produce the final picture

Any help appreciated


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I have registered and stacked all my lights, darks, flats and bias files in DSS. the whole procedure seems to have gone ok and then you get to the

Computing Final Picture(Auto Adaptive Weighted Average(Iterations=5)

DSS goes through the computing final picture phase registering about 60000 stars and then after about 10minutes at the end when I was expecting it to output to the autosave.tif file,DSS starts computing the final picture again.

How do I get it to produce the final picture

Any help appreciated


Try reducing the star treshold in the advance seeting tab under registering frames so you get about 50~60. 60000 stars are way too much.


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the 30 individual lights have between 60 and 120 stars computed. The 60,000 stars figure builds up as the final picture is being computed.
I have just noticed that in the stacking output settings i hadnt ticked the autosave.tif box. I reckon this must be the problem.
I am now in the process of stacking again with this option checked. I didnt check the box because i wanted to save the final image myself in 16bit tif, so i can use it in Photoshop for further processing. I am now presuming that now i have ticked the autosave.tif box i will get a final image computed, and thats when i use the save picture to file to create a 16bit tiff.

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That didn't work. I am now going to stack just the lights and darks( not flats and bias ). Also I will use the recommended settings for stacking.

I did try just two of the lights and stacked those, I did get  an autosave.tiff...so no problem there .

I am presuming that my final image will not save after computing because

1. for some reason my lights, darks, bias and flats will not work to produce a final image, even though they stack and register ok. I know they should.

2. auto adaptive weighted average doesn't work with this combination of lights, darks, bias and flats so I am using DSS recommended settings

there is plenty of space on the drive to save the.tiff file

If anyone can throw some light on this problem, please do.

I will keep you in touch.


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Just stacking my 30 darks and lights worked fine

It has to be now the stacking parameters settings that are used to stack my darks, lights, flats and bias.

My next step now is to use the DSS recommended stacking settings for my darks, lights, flats and bias. If an autosave.tiff is  produced after stacking  , then the problem has to be the stacking method using auto adaptive weighted average.

i think i am getting there


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It seems using any stacking method apart from auto adaptive weighted average works. I don't know why dss will not output an autosave.tif using my lights, flats, darks, bias combo  with the auto adaptive weighted average option. however it works with the Kappa Sigma setting as Martin advised and other settings.

My problem seems to be solved. In this instance auto adaptive weighted average will stack but not output an autosave.tif.

I still don't know why however


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Hi Russell

That makes me feel better. I thought it was just me. Strange isnt it.

Did you have the exact same problem that when DSS computes the final image using auto adaptive weighted average, it gets to the very final step of saving the picture to autosave.tiff and decides instead to compute the final picture again and again  and again.......

I hope this might help others who have this  similar problem

I just have Photoshop to deal with now!!!


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I had this problem too, and I found that if you up the star detection threshold, then that solves the problem! You want between 50-75 stars, depending on what you are imaging! Good luck!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I tried this but I only get an image that's just random noise. All other stacking routines produce nice stacks.

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