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is this a good deal

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as a complete newbie how do I check if its optically correct ? I was looking at 135 for a skywatcher 130 so for an extra 15 for the P i should be happy ? I have read on other forums and they say astronomers look after their kit so fingers crossed

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that's not a bad price for a 130 P with goto. I sold a 130p synscan for 130 pounds to a mate which was a mint condition scope.

Check no marks on mirrors and handset lights up and everything else should be ok

If you wan't to test it you'll need batteries or 12v power supply if there's not one with it.


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shame, it seems like a reasonable price. Astro kit often sells at between 60-70% of the new price and this would be 52% so well priced.

If the seller is able to demo the goto then Id take a punt on it, as you say its probably well looked after and will be like new. If not you can always give the excuse that t is to small or complicated and walk away ...... but deffo worth a look if you are after a 130.

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