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Lunar images from 22nd :-)


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Hello  :smiley:

Here's a few images from the 22nd. 

The seeing was pretty good whilst I was getting some frames along the terminator, but when I turned towards the southern highlands it improved even more! Maybe the best seeing I've ever...um, seen  :p

First image is a mosaic of the southern portion of the terminator. Theophilus on the right is quite distinctive. 


Second is a crop from that, showing the Rupes Altai. Its a long stretch of cliffs, up to 1km high! Imagine standing on the edge and looking across the lunar surface....


Finally a mosaic of the southern highlands, really pleased how this turned out. Would love to have got this with a better resolution camera than my 0.3MP firefly though  :embarrassed:


All taken with my 200p, the stock skywatcher 2x barlow, IR742 filter and point grey firefly mono. PIPP, registax, Microsoft ICE then PS. 


Dan  :kiss:

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