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Skywatcher BK P1145EQ1 (Newtonian)

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I am a new user to this forum and to astronomy.

I was given the subject telescope last year for Christmas and have used it on a few occasions and am starting to get into it a bit more :)

I recently purchased an Orion precision centering adapter thinking that it would fit my telescope; unfortunately it does not. On the focuser tube there is a rack which is in the way, so the adapter will not fit. Is there another focuser I can buy which will fit both my telescope and the adapter?

Secondly, I have a laser collimator  and I find that when I move the focuser all the way to the bottom into the telescope, the red dot moves way out of the centering circle, which is easily solved by adjusting slightly. But also, at the other end of the scale when the focuser is nearer the top, the laser will slowly move out of the centering circle - why is this? Am I collimating wrong (it wouldn't surprise me)?

Many thanks

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Hi Gaddy, and welcome to SGL.

With regard to you scope, do you know what diameter the eyepiece nosepiece is? if it is .965" then you can get adapters to make it 1.25" diameter nosepiece, but is it worth the extra expense?

Can you attach some photos?

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I am a new user to this forum and to astronomy.


I was given the subject telescope last year for Christmas and have used it on a few occasions and am starting to get into it a bit more :)


I recently purchased an Orion precision centering adapter thinking that it would fit my telescope; unfortunately it does not. On the focuser tube there is a rack which is in the way, so the adapter will not fit. Is there another focuser I can buy which will fit both my telescope and the adapter?


Secondly, I have a laser collimator  and I find that when I move the focuser all the way to the bottom into the telescope, the red dot moves way out of the centering circle, which is easily solved by adjusting slightly. But also, at the other end of the scale when the focuser is nearer the top, the laser will slowly move out of the centering circle - why is this? Am I collimating wrong (it wouldn't surprise me)?


Many thanks

The Orion adapter is designed to fit 2" focusers, your telescope has a 1.25" focuser so the adapter won't fit. Replacing the stock 1.25" focuser with a 2" would be expensive (if you could find a suitable one) and would cost more than the whole telescope.

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The adapter is 1.25" as are my eye pieces. The adapter just holds the eyepiece squarely into the focuser. The thread on the focuser is also in the inside which needs to be on the outside for this adapter so it's completely incompatible. I think I know why the laser collimator moves out of place... it appears that the focuser tube moves reasonably freely so it wobbles :(


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The adapter is not designed to work like that. The Orion centering adapter is designed to hold 1.25" eyepieces in a 2" focuser, the adapter fits inside the 2" eyepice holder not the outside of a 1.25" holder.

There is this version http://www.telescope.com/Orion-2-Precision-Centering-Extension-Adapter/p/99642.uts?keyword=Orion precision centering adapter

and this version http://www.telescope.com/Orion-2-to-125-Precision-Centering-Adapter/p/102820.uts?keyword=Orion precision centering adapter

Both are 2" to 1.25" adapters.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks - I've sent it back. Live and learn.

Any ideas as to what the problem could be with the focuser? (I don't think it is moving up and down in a perfect straight line.)

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Hi Gaddy,

I've got one of these (about to upgrade!), and have had a lot of fun with it in the last 5 years.

The problem is that the focuser is...<ahem>...cr@p. Actually, thats not fair - its passable, but of little use to anything more than an eyepiece, or webcam/barlow arrangement.

If you look at the underside of the focuser you'll see a small box structure that the knobs pass through - what you could do is to slightly tighten the two screws there, that should help a bit.

I can (at a push) use a BST Explorer with a 2x Deluxe Barlow, and the same Barlow with a webcam, but its 'on the edge'.

Hope this helps !

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