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IDAS D1 Filter Has Arrived

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Morning all

My IDAS D1 LP filter arrived yesterday afternoon and so into the Hyperstar it went and "Touch Wood" it looks like it will be clear tonight so hopefully I'll get a chance to see what difference if any it will make to my images. I'm not expecting dark sky conditions but i am expecting to see some improvement.

Anyone had any experience with one of these yet?

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  • 2 weeks later...

How are you getting on with this? I would imagine it makes quite a difference from your location... As my Dad used to say to me when I'd left the house lights on. "What do you think this is... Crystal Palace!" :grin:

I was thinking of getting another P2 but see they brought this one out.  I used to use the P2 with the modded 1000D but now it sits permanently in one of the Mono CCD light trains. I'm thinking of getting another to add to the second of the "Triple Shooters". Curious as to get another P2 or one of these.

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How are you getting on with this? I would imagine it makes quite a difference from your location... As my Dad used to say to me when I'd left the house lights on. "What do you think this is... Crystal Palace!" :grin:

I was thinking of getting another P2 but see they brought this one out.  I used to use the P2 with the modded 1000D but now it sits permanently in one of the Mono CCD light trains. I'm thinking of getting another to add to the second of the "Triple Shooters". Curious as to get another P2 or one of these.


i had one very brief attempt the other night at the bubble nebula. This was a target i could never see previously however it was present after some processing. I'm talking about 1x 5min exposures, it was becoming apparent yesterday that there is an issue with my camera so i didn't get very far. Bernard at Modern Astronomy is looking at it now.

I can't give you the science of the Pro's & Con's & i never used a P2 but the fact that i could see the target which i previously couldn't was a good start, The background of the night sky during focusing also appeared much darker. i might based on this limit myself to lots of 3mins rather then 5mins because there was still plenty of LP present.

I also have to try it with fully working camera and the Hyperstar still needs a little work so hopefully it will get better again

i intend to leave the D1 in even at Dark Star Sites, REALLY looking forward to trying it there. First (brief) impressions are positive ones :grin:

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Sorry to hear you're having problems with the camera, at least you're in good hands with Bern. I guess I'll need to dig out the spec sheets & check properly to see what difference there is likely to be. You should find it easier to process out the LP though even if it is still apparent. I find DBE in PI pretty good at this.

My LP here seems to be getting worse, I'm noticing more & more difference now when shooting LRGB with the CCD that has the P2 in the train & the one that doesn't. I think more of the old sodium lights being replaced with broader band LED's are having an effect even though they are supposed to be directional. Give me back that old orange glow.. at least I could filter that out!

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