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Shpuld I be able to see the sales section yet??

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Should have been visible when you hit 50 posts so you could purchase items, not able to post a For Sale item until 250 posts. So eith what appears to be 448 posts they should all be there.

Should be the most recent 5 for sale/wanted posts at the top right when you log in, or click Classifieds to see (I think) the most recent 10.

If not there then as a Mod/Admin.

Been here for over a month as well so it's not a time issue.

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I'm nowhere near yet but is the classified section more for very specialised stuff or is it a good place to pick up for example a second level tube?

With so much to read here I doubt I'll get to 50 posts before I get tempted. 

I like the idea of secondhand as I'm sure many upgrade and others find it is not for them and thus there must be a great supply of well looked after or hardly used secondhand stuff.

I would normally go Ebay but it would be a pity to miss out by just a few posts if real cared for stuff was being passed on here.

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I'm nowhere near yet but is the classified section more for very specialised stuff or is it a good place to pick up for example a second level tube?

With so much to read here I doubt I'll get to 50 posts before I get tempted. 

I like the idea of secondhand as I'm sure many upgrade and others find it is not for them and thus there must be a great supply of well looked after or hardly used secondhand stuff.

I would normally go Ebay but it would be a pity to miss out by just a few posts if real cared for stuff was being passed on here.

As always, for those waiting to accrue posts should visit http://www.astrobuysell.com/uk/index.php . The majority of stuff that appears on SGL also appears here.


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