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Clear sky alarm clock

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I can think how it could be done.  An all-sky camera and some software to recognise and count stars.  When it can see enough stars over a wide proportion of the sky then set off the "clear sky alert" siren.

I sure someone could knock up a prototype and get onto Dragons Den. :smiley:

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Well there is a way to measure the seeing conditions, its being used here.... would "just" have to have some software/hardware to activate your alarm clock when the seeing matches your preferences. 


But the cost might be an issue, not to mention problems with the council and aviation authority :)

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Hey JD,

Peter shah uses a completely automated system with his Obsy that watches the sky/measures the air temp/air pressure/humidity and will automatically park the scope and close the Obsy roof so I am sure that this indeed possible. He may even comment on here, but if you look on one of his image threads on EMS he put some links to the setup that he uses to automate his setup, it's pretty cool.

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The major problem, I would suggest, is waking yourself up without incurring the ire of anyone else in the house for disturbing their sleep.  I'm aware that there are "silent" alarms, but I'm not convinced of their reliability.  Particularly in my case.  In the ten years or so we've had children I've become able to sleep through almost anything.


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The major problem, I would suggest, is waking yourself up without incurring the ire of anyone else in the house for disturbing their sleep.  I'm aware that there are "silent" alarms, but I'm not convinced of their reliability.  Particularly in my case.  In the ten years or so we've had children I've become able to sleep through almost anything.


You could make something to avoid that, Just plug your small Walkman type earphones in, pump up the volume, I doubt you will sleep through that. Alternatively, a rumble pack of sorts you attach to parts of the body, I'll not go any further where you may want to attach it, suffice it to say, if well placed it will wake you up. Job done :D

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