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Pixinsight tutorial

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I did send Mike a few hints on his video and below is the content ,FYI as there a couple of things that people need to be aware off

I would also like to congratulate mike on his video , I have trouble not uttering a swear word every few mins let alone 1 and half hours , I have had a quick watch ( fast forward sorry) and would like to offer my comments for your consideration

1) Linear Fit

Yes this is the correct way of matching your Lum to your RGB , this only works well if you have the correct RGB to Lum weight i.e if you have poor RGB ( like me most of the time) you will loose some of the advantage of your Lum Data , so I personally choose not to do it this way and use the transfer function of the LRGB module to get the best from my LRGB i.e thrash my colour data to death

2) Masking for noise reduction

Personally again I would not use your method of masking for noise reduction as I think its a bit too course and think a conventional Lum mask will offer better control

3) Registering Images

You chose to select you binned RGB as the reference image and applied this to your Lum this will have the effect of reducing the Resolution of your Lum if captured at 1x1 binning , You must select your high resolution image as the reference and then the binned image will be rescaled to match

BTW just select the reference Image and apply the tool to the RGB ( nice little short cut)

4) Colour Balance

You seem to be adjusting the Histogram to alter / correct the colour balance , I would suggest to start with that good use of DBE and colour calibration would cure this problem before you went non linear , but if you do find your self in this position use the background neutralization tool even if you are non linear , just adjust the tool so it is just above the background level.

Keep well everybody and good Luck

Harry Page


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  • 3 weeks later...

Do you suggest doing LRGB combination when in the none-linear stage Harry?

I pretty much follow the workflow in your beginners section on your web-pages Harry:

1. BPP

2. RGB combination

3. DBE on RGB

4. Background Neutralization then Colour calibration on RGB

5. Stretch RGB

I then have none-linear RGB image.

1. Take Luminance from BPP output

2. DBE of luminance from same DBE process icon as RGB (since gradients etc should be the same - though not necessarily)

3. Stretch luminance.

I now have none-linear Luminance and RGB

Align stretched RGB with stretched Luminance and then LRGB combination.

Use SNCR and HDR and AHCDR tools to reduce noise and the "greens".


Anything you'd do between these stages Harry or anyone else please?  Maybe I should ask this on the Pixinsight forum but should be useful here as well, my favorite forum :)

Thanks, Steve

Then I take the

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Yes I do LRGB at the non linear stage ( as do most I think)

The tool I use a lot of the time is the LHE tool , seems to add something to most images :)

As for workflow , I have decided to do a newbie - intermediate- and advanced work schedule and put it up on my website 

as its asked a lot . along with new vids which I hope to have done and finished over the xmas period


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I must set myself the task of finally taking the time to get to grips with PI (MikeP keeps telling me that as a fellow mathematician I should enjoy it!).  Workflow information and just generally watching someone process is really helpful, so thanks to Harry and the other posters for giving some of us a boost start  :icon_salut:


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