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Just one of those mornings...


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So, with streaming eyes, coughing a lung up and wearing so many jumpers i look like the Michelin man... yes, full of a cold and kid to get off to school soon, but the call of Jupiter was just too strong. Set up, went smoothly even in a blind haze of dribble and heaving chest.

Polar align - check

Quick 10 minute cooldown while i have a brew - check

Align on Jupiter - check

looks great in 10mm EP

Mount camera - check

Bahtinov focus is looking good - check

Remote shutter release attached - check

So now, i'm sat on the floor looking like a pile of scruffy old duvets with high hopes of getting some quality frames from a 1 minute video. Counting the seconds as the remote shutter gizmo beeps away merrily.

20 minutes until i have to get the munchkin dressed for school so i quickly disassemble the scope and stick it all in the kitchen... the anticipation is growing.

EOS Utility seems awfully quick to download the mornings handywork and then puzzlement sets in. Where is the .mov file???? only file in the current days folder is a completely white raw file....

And the moral of the story is - make sure you haven't left the camera on 'M' setting.

I think i may just go back to bed.

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Had a lovely view of the Io transit last night, saw a dark shadow disc about 10, then it got black and drifted along the top belt. Seeing was on and off for Wobblies and fuzz. The Moon was so bright that I packed up as everything was bleached.

Some days it all comes together and others are just pants.

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