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A bit of sun fun ...


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I got nearly five minutes on the sun with my Solarmax 60 today. Since I got it a couple of weeks ago I've learned that solar viewing at this time of year seems to consist of grabbing the only two minute break between the clouds or get nothing all day!

Today I got a first for me - a flash of a bird silhouetted against the disk ... followed by the slow transit of a large passenger jet! Imagers would justifiably hate it but visually it was great against the Ha disk and the massive sunspot that's still there :-)  


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Snap on the solar max 60, congrats on your purchase!

I think generally solar imagers like a plane flying over the disc, it adds a bit of fun and doesn't ruin the shot as you probably still have hundreds of frames with no plane :) I couldn't wait to get my first one - there was no disc detail as I was trying to get a prom shot:


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