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why didnt i do this ages ago?


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Use a bahtinov mask for focusing! It makes it ridiculously easy. I'm embarresed to think it took me a year to finally get one. Camera in, Mask on & less than 10 seconds to spot on focussing :grin:

Anyone who hasnt got one really should get one. Right thats that off my chest now back outside in the cold.

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Use a bahtinov mask for focusing! It makes it ridiculously easy. I'm embarresed to think it took me a year to finally get one. Camera in, Mask on & less than 10 seconds to spot on focussing :grin:

Anyone who hasnt got one really should get one. Right thats that off my chest now back outside in the cold.

Cracking things and so simple, just got to remember to remove them before imaging and wasting hours of data  :icon_redface:

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Use a bahtinov mask for focusing! It makes it ridiculously easy. I'm embarresed to think it took me a year to finally get one. Camera in, Mask on & less than 10 seconds to spot on focussing :grin:

Anyone who hasnt got one really should get one. Right thats that off my chest now back outside in the cold.

do you take an image with the mask on then check focus via a laptop?

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Sounds like the voice of experience there.

Unfortunately it is, I was just jumping back and forth from bright star to get good focus then back to target and left the camera clicking away, should have really checked the first shot but was slack and never noticed it was still on for a good while, lesson learned!

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Use a bahtinov mask for focusing! It makes it ridiculously easy. I'm embarresed to think it took me a year to finally get one. Camera in, Mask on & less than 10 seconds to spot on focussing :grin:

Anyone who hasnt got one really should get one. Right thats that off my chest now back outside in the cold.

Agreed. I use FWHM on the refractors for fine tuning the focus but on the large scope (14 inch ODK) FWHM proved to be totally meaningless, making the B mask essential.


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