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SkyScan firmware: Are you happy with it?

Dark Matter

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Let's do a quick survey of the Skyscan firmware.

1. Are you happy/not happy with the current (or any other version) and why?

2. If you could tell Synta software engineers what would you like to see in the next Skyscan firmware upgrade, what would it be and why?

Thanks and cheers,


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I didn't want to say anything as i don't know what skyscan is. Is this the old name for the skywatcher handset firmware?

If it is, i'd like it to give an abbreviation of the constellation the suggested alignment stars are in; i recognise most of the star names but on the whole i have no idea where they are, but if it also hinted at the constellation they were in imd know if there were visible to select to align on.

I'd also like it is there was an easy way to find a named star in the database without having to scroll through 200 other star names in the alphabetical list.


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