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Sky-Watcher Esprit 100 Super Apo.

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very nice looking scope - and nice to see another DLSR connected to an esprit too :-)

Notice that you have the camera, plugged into the dlsr adapter then screwed into the flattener.  Unfortunately SW has added the adapter without providing the correct spacer with the flattener.

Jcm has found information that the correct distance (69.8mm) for the esprit 100 is available on the astronomics site.

A canon camera has a back focus of 44mm, the supplied adapter another 11,  so I suspect that you will need a spacer to make up the distance.  I would contact the Skywatcher support on their website to get official confirmation of the back focus required.

JCM's comment here  http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/195186-skywatcher-esprit-80-and-esprit-100-incoming/?p=2091478

Astronomics site here

Hope this helps you

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i have an esprit 80, so  I am going for 48mm to keep the same diameter from the back of the flattener to the camera . The esprit 80 has a different back focus (75mm) to the Esprit 100 so i have ordered a filter draw to fill the gap. (might as well make use of the space :-) )

As these scopes are so new, there is little information around. I contacted Skywatcher support to get clarification of the measurements before i bought anything.  The thread detailing  my "adventures" is here  


Cheers John

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I'd say you have a slight tilt of the camera which makes the stars elongated on the left side. The shape of the stars in the center and right are "adjusted" a bit, most likely due to incursions in the optical path. The most common reason is bolt-ends. Check out the inside of the tube.


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