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Sun In White Light 04-10-2013. 15:30

Steve Ward

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Poet's Day perfection ... Heavy rain and high winds all morning , shoot off early having got a days work done in a morning and arrive home to a fast approaching big blue patch ....  :grin:

Kettle on and kit ready on the double , sat down with a lovely cup of tea just as he poked his head out .....  :p

Shot 190 straight off and found 37 lovely subs in them with clarity in all the right places , amazing considering how far spread the AR's are ...  :rolleyes:


1000D + ED80pro + ND3.8 + 1.8 x Barlow + OIII.

1/640s @ ISO 200 , 37/190 , Reg 5.1 , Gimp 2.8.

Day by day album  . . .  http://www.astrobin.com/users/steveward53/

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Mk I eyeball ...  :p

Takes a while but I've seen so many shockers chosen by Uncle Reg and PIPP that I prefer to trust my own judgement .

Went through the set five times today studying five different regions in turn , I select the best frames on one region then cross reference against the next regions in turn only selecting the frames to stack that show good fine detail in all the regions.

I then stacked those 37 five times using a single point in a small box on one area at a time ,( Multipoint always gives me nasty artifacts and if I just stack once on the left hand limb for example I find that the right hand limb is ill defined )  

And then to finish I stacked the "sub-stacks" together to get a "masterstack" that had good detail in all five regions.

Sounds a bit long-winded but gives me much nicer results than just letting Reg loose on his own ...  :p

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Very nice :)

I actually saw some blue sky here this morning.  Unfortunately I was stuck on a four-hour(!) conference call.  It's not even "easy money" by the time you reach the point of beating your head on the desk just to relieve the boredom.


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Sorry to hear that ...  :embarrassed:

You need a pet IT kiddo that can sort out a conference call set-up that you can attend to while imaging , I'm sure that'd be possible ...  :p

You should get a bit of blue tomorrow , according to the forecast ...  :rolleyes: ... !

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