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How do I find Jupiter?


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I am a complete beginner at astronomy so please forgive my ignorance.

I have been given a nice equatorial telescope and I understand the basics of aligning it using my latitude and the North star.

I believe it is easy to see Jupiter (and other planets) but I don't have a clue how to do this.

I live in Swindon in the UK (latitude 51.561 longitude -1.7845.

If anyone can help I would be VERY grateful!

I also think I could see Saturn and would be interested in that too.

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Hopefully someone with more knowledge than me will answer, but from what I understand, Jupiter is situated very low and is soon going to be impossible to see as it will be so close to the sun in the sky. Later next year there will be some views.

I would recommend a view of Saturn which will give you a similar wow factor and is visible in the early hours of the morning. Earlier than that in the evening is Mars and through your scope you should be able to make out a clear disc shape and hopefully that lovely orangey colour!

Download this free program to find them:


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Zeffer is on to it, Stellarium is an excellent piece of software which will tell you where the planets are at any given time (and galaxies, nebulae and clusters). At the moment Mars and Saturn are great viewing - though Saturn is not exactly at a convenient time. The moon is, of course, very prominent and great viewing. I don't know much about the telescope you have, though being on a EQ mount will make it easier to manually track things. I think I used to have a PowerSeeker 50. This forum is really great for any questions you may have.


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Thank you so much for all your replies.

I have just introduced myself properly on the forum tomorow in the welcome board.

Also I have downloaded the Stellarium software which looks really cool but there is one thing I don't understand and can't find in the help file....I assume I need to tell the software where I live - how do I do that?

Thanks again!

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When you open Stellarium in the main screen there should be a button on the lower left (with all of the other buttons) that looks like a spanner. Click that and then select the location tab - enter you location and save.



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Thanks Sam, it was late last night when I was looking at the software and I must have been tired because it's pretty obvious how to do it now you tell me!

Thanks all - this software will be a big help.


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