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Is it worth upgrading or should I start out fresh - Skywatcher (blue) 130 EQ2

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Hi there,

I've been disappointed at not being able to use my telescope since we moved two years ago. We lived in a small town and our garden used to back on to fields giving some excellent dark skies, but not so in our new garden. However, I'm enthused again as a new group has started meeting at a country estate not far away with good dark skies again.

I have been looking at mounting a DSLR onto the scope, and slowly upgrading once I have some degree of success with imaging, but having been browsing here I wonder whether I have the right telescope to begin with. Thoughts anyone?

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Its not really the best scope for photography  the mount is too unsteady even for decent piggy backing and it will not come to focus with a dslr without some modification. If its photography you wish to do spend as much money as you can towards the mount and then choose a scope to fit. What sort of budget are you looking at?

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If you are considering AP, get the book 'Making Every Photon Count' which you can get from the book section of the FLO website. It is a must for anyone thinking of imaging and will help you understand what is the best kit and why. It really is an imagers bible!

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You could also use the mount without the telescope  and set the camera on the mount directly, if you have a suitable lens :)

good point I forgot that an eq2 will hold a dslr quite easily I think I read somewhere that it doesn't track as well as an eq1 but its worth a try. I guess I figured you would like to do some visual astronomy as well not just wide field astrophotography

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Thanks for your comments. I had my doubts, but then I didn't set out with the intention of taking photos when I got the telescope a few years ago. Budget wise, i was thinking of a used Canon this year, probably spending £200 or so to get set up. May be I should just go for a better telescope this year to get back into the habit of using it, and defer camera's etc for longer term.

Suppose I set a budget of £200 for a new/used telescope which could be upgraded later on for photography what would you suggest. 

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Please note that you won't get focus with your DSLR on a 130m SW. That's why the 130pds is for sale.

I think you should stick your camera with a nice lens onto your mount and start imaging this way.

A nice lens is the Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 - costs 50-70£ used.

Then you can think about the astronomik CLS light pollution clip filter - 100£.

Then you learn processing etc.

If it suits you - save up for scope and mount - you will invest ~ 1000£...

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