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Fast little ones

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Hi all! I realized so far that having a larger apo isn't much of an advantage as you would think. They are slower, heavier, require much more precise polar alignment and guiding, etc...

So I have decided to add to my setup a small, fast apo but not too pricey and here is what I found:

1) William Optics 490 EURO        http://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_info.php/info/p1324_William-ZenithStar-70---70mm-F6-Apo-with-2--R-P-focuser---high-contrast-refractor.html

2) TS Optics 600 EURO     http://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_info.php/info/p4691_TS-APO-80-500mm---FPL53-lens---Dublet-Objective---2--Linear-Power-focuser.html

3) Astro Tech Quadruplet 450 EURO     https://www.astronomics.com/astro-tech-at65edq-65mm-astrograph-telescope_p18437.aspx

4) Explore Scientific 450 EURO    https://www.astronomics.com/explore-scientific-80mm-ed-apo-refractor-telescope_p17432.aspx


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If I were on a budget and after a small refractor I'd go for an ED80 with reducer. If I wanted better and/or faster I'd want a lot better and/or faster, not a bit better or maybe a bit worse. A lot better would cost a bomb. Rather than get hung up on the grand theory of doublets, triplets and quads I'd simplyhave a darned good look at the images posted. And then I'd buy an ED80. That is, of course, just me.


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  • 1 month later...

Ok! In the end I've narrowed it down to two scopes: the WO ZS71 and the Quadruplet. The quadruplet is f/6.5, and it has a built in flattener. But i didn't find a reducer that fits? Without a reducer it's a bit slow, right? While with the WO i can get f/4.8 with a reducer. Troubles, troubles....

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You probably won't get a reducer for the quadruplet. I've been serching for a one and the only thing that might work (but no one has tested it yet so it might or might not work) is the new 0.7 reducer from Optec. Unfortunately it costs half as much as the telescope.

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