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Which focuser?

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My Feathertouch microfocuser (finally) arrived this morning... :rolleyes::lol: I'm going to spend the evening attaching it to my C8. I'll write a first light when I get to use it, but first impressions are favourable. The Feathertouch focuser feels soooooo smooth :D everything looks well engineered :( The microfocusser box is rather bigger than I'd envisaged though :shock: More to follow!


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My Feathertouch and Microtouch are in "no mans land" between the USA and the UK right now (its left LAX on Sunday, but no further reports of its location since then... doubtful I`ll see them before Christmas). The feathertouch gives a normal and a 10:1 reduction on the focuser, and the Microtouch is ASCOM compliant, and works well with Maxim. I also have one other bit of kit coming in the same package that REALLY requires accurate focusing, otherwise I wouldnt have bothered with the microtouch option.

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For reference Steve, my Starizona package came via USPS and Parcel Force. Mine was 'lost' for a week after it left customs (the tracking info alleged they'd tried to deliver it when they hadn't!), and we thought that Royal Mail had it (USPS said) and had lost it. However, once we realised it was Parcel Force all it took was a phone call to the 'pay customs' menu option, they rang me back a few hours later to take payment from me, and the package arrived next working day. I'd suggest if its out of customs to ring 08 456 060406



PS writing a first light later... :rolleyes:

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The Starlight Instruments Feather Touch on my refractor has performed brilliantly. It has a variable brake system that is so effective you can adjust it to hold any combination of filter wheel/camera etc. and still tweak the focus as you go as its not completely locked. I do not know how I would have focused my Mars images without the 10:1 reduction system. It I had and SCT I would certainly consider this make of focuser.


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