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Video cameras and SLR lenses

Carl Reade

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seems to work well at 200mm Carl,   you've not got a 2x tele by any chance. have you tried touching it up a bit . Do another when you get better conditions and see how much more detail the lens can capture. I think it would be nice having a camera lens running side by side with the scope.

I cant find a adapter for my sony alfa lens because I've been wanting to try it out too.

Johnno the LP here is a killer and the moon didnt help. Havnt got a 2x tele. That was the best I could get out of it as it was so bright. The FOV is spot on which is good. I also have used a 135mm lens on the Pliades and they fit perfectly for info. As Chris says would need to use a LP filter adapter to get good results.

Cheers Carl 

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Carl, this might sound stupid as I've never done, but can it be possible to glue a 1.25 filter inside the adapter? or is there not enough room

I've given up on trying to find a adapter for my 200mm sony alfa lens, so i'm going to get a lens mount M42 same as yours, lens seem cheap enough to dabble with.

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Hi Folks,

Here are links to some of the camera-lens combinations I have used & still used over many, many years. Remember, a lens is just a lens, it does not know what it is attached to, a video camera or a still camera, it is the field of view that will effect camera lens used on DSLR's for instance. Also keep in mind that what is a wide angle on a 6x7 or 35mm format is always a telephoto on a 1/4", 1/3", 1/2" video camera. A 'standard focal length lens on a video camera depending on chip size is between 6 mm 12 mm. So my DSLR 8 mm fish eye would give a normal view on a 1/2" video camera, such as used in astronomy.




Clear skies,


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Hi Shevill,

I remember looking at your website and all your albums a couple of weeks ago, spent ages going through it all and found it very interesting to a newcomer like me to the hobby.

Found it fascinating from your early years to present day how the equipment has evolved especially the electronics side of it and the amount of equipment you have accumulated over the years.

ps. loved the MKII and I think it looks nicer with the spokes on, have you still got it



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Carl, this might sound stupid as I've never done, but can it be possible to glue a 1.25 filter inside the adapter? or is there not enough room

I've given up on trying to find a adapter for my 200mm sony alfa lens, so i'm going to get a lens mount M42 same as yours, lens seem cheap enough to dabble with.

Hi Johnno, not stupid at all. Yes it is possible due to the distance required for SLR lenses between the chip there is plenty of space for a bit of jiggery pokery :grin:

I will be having a bash at this myself and even bluetac will come in to play to see how it goes.

M42 lenses are cheap as on ebay, I missed out on a monster 400mm with tripod that went for around £40 :sad:

A 70 - 200mm zoom would give a lot of flexability for FOV.

There is easily 1.5 cm or more space inside the adapter.


Cheers Carl

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Hi Group

I feel embarrassed about posting this since I am a new member and this is my first post. I posted this on the videoforum.net and Mallincam yahoo groups and Ken in Australia mentioned to me that this discussion was taking place here, so I wanted to share what I have been using. I copied and paste the post so I hope this works. Please see below

Clear skies,

Chris A


I just wanted to share what I have been using for my very wide field near real-time observing views of very large deep sky objects. I bought a C-mount to Canon EOS mount from Adriano Lolli in Italy and this very well made all aluminum adapter even has internal threads for 1.25" filters Adriano Lolli

I captured several large objects using my Orion 7nm Ha filter, MCX2 video camera and Canon 100 mm Macro f/2.8 lens. All images were unprocessed and as we seen on NSN broadcast. Here are some results that have had NO post processing.

Packman Nebula

Packman nebula 240 SEC X 4 Ha0131 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

NGC 7000 & Pelican Nebula

NGC 7000 & Pelican nebula 240 SEC X 3 Ha0129 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

NGC 6888 & IC 1318

NGC 6888 & IC1318 240 SEC X 3 Ha0128 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Heart & Soul Nebula

Heart & Soul nebula 180 SEC X 4 Ha0132 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Fetus Nebula

Fetus nebula 180 SEC X 4 Ha0133 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Cocoon Nebula

Cocoon nebula 240 SEC X 3 Ha0130 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Here is my setup showing the Canon 100 mm Macro f/2.8 & 70 200 mm IS f/4 lens with the Mallincam Xtreme attached

100 mm lens

Canon 100mm Macro F2.8 & MC Xtreme (2) | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

70 to 200 mm lens

Canon 70 to 200 mm F4 & MC Xtreme (2) | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

I also have a Canon 17 to 55 mm IS F/2.8 Lens that I have not tried yet because I would need a tripod adapter since in this picture I do not like the way it is mounted. This lens is an EFS lens and the glass comes further inwards but I was still able to screw my C-mount to Canon EOS mount and add a 1.25" filter without the filter hitting the glass but there is not much clearance. I hope this gives some of you some ideas for those interested in using camera lens with video camera that have a C-mount.


Chris A


Hi Chris,

Welcome to SGL and our VA section and thanks for posting this info!  Like Ken, your experience in VA is invaluable to beginners like me so I hope you spend more time here.....

Best Regards


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Great a clear night! Heres a few of tonights catches using a Carl Z 135mm lens. The DSOs are X512 and the double cluster is X 128, no filters or Photo shop, just some added light pollution :sad: I have noticed stars will washout over X128.





First of M33 and IC 884 double cluster. Will be doing M33 with scope next time and I think it will look great. Also I put the brightness setting to 20 instead of 1.

All in all a good nights viewing, the 135mm has a very good all round FOV, a dark sky will be outstanding :smiley:

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Great a clear night! Heres a few of tonights catches using a Carl Z 135mm lens. The DSOs are X512 and the double cluster is X 128, no filters or Photo shop, just some added light pollution :sad: I have noticed stars will washout over X128.





First of M33 and IC 884 double cluster. Will be doing M33 with scope next time and I think it will look great. Also I put the brightness setting to 20 instead of 1.

All in all a good nights viewing, the 135mm has a very good all round FOV, a dark sky will be outstanding :smiley:

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Hi Phil,

Great result with the lenses! The stars are really nice and sharp.

I like the FOV in the 28mm  :smiley:

What integration where these at?

Hi there. I took the pictures at the recent Salisbury Star Party which had a nice low level of light pollution. I put the camera onto my HEQ5 mount.

The settings were Slow 9, Gain 30%, Gamma Lo. That would give an integration  time of 10.2 seconds.

I did a 40 second capture and put it through Registax 6 to get the final images. The stars do seem to have come out nice. I was expecting to get more detail

from the galaxy but since these are my first attempts at this method I didn`t really know what to expect.

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