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Cygnus loop (WIP)


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Managed to get 8x 10 minute subs in Ha on the Cygnus loop last night before the fog descended. Shot with a 135mm camera lens on my 1100D. Captured with Nebulosity and stacked and DBE'd in PI and further processed in Gimp. It requires a serious amount of more data to cancel out the noise so I think I will definitely need to come back to this if i can.

Cheers for looking



Edit: ooops put the image the right way around

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Hi Mark,

I'd say go for it on the wide field side of things. You do get a perspective of where these objects sit in the sky and the guiding requirements are much easier. On the downside though, focus is critical requiring FWHM measurement to get spot on and the sky conditions and turbulence make a big difference. The image was taken in definitely non ideal conditions and the detail suffers for it. If we get a good night in the next weeks or so, I think I will come back to this target. Probably start again as the subs I already have are a bit below par.

Cheers John

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I feel that the Veil benefits, just as all DS objects do, from a bit of context. Since the darned thing is so big this takes a bit of doing!! I had to mosaic it using a full frame camera at 530mm and I still managed to make it look cramped. This image gives it room to breathe.


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