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Is this being attempted? Or is this jut crazy talk?


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I was looking at a picture of the earths magnetic field when I thought about how much more in size it is than earth is, and Jupiter's magnetic field is the king of the solar system (not counting the suns) I was wondering is it possible to detect extra solar planets magnetic fields? Or is this just a crazy thought from a bored person?

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Any change in magnetic field due to Jupiter is going to be swamped by magnetic changes locally. Don't forget that a car moving outside your house is going to cause much more disturbance than anything millions of miles away. In principle the magnetic field will extend everywhere but the inverse square law will mean it wont be detectable.



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To do it we would first have to detect the magnetic fields of stars, which so far we cannot do, then we would have to be able to determine the change in the stars magnetic field caused by the plants magnetic field. In effect I think we would have to detect the changes caused to the stars magnetic field caused by the plantes magnetic field. Which is what we do to find exoplanets with light. We do not see them we see the change in the stars luminosity.

Just to add in a bit more difficulty we would need to detected the other suns magnetic field and the explanets small change to that at a huge distance and the inverse square law, through our magnetic field and the suns magnetic field.

When you think of it like that any being that "sees" using magnetism may have a very limited conception of the universe and it could well be restricted to their sun and solar system alone, maybe just their planet and sun.

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When I worked for a research organisation many years ago my manager once said to me, I believe it was intended to inspire me, "Graham, someone has to think of these mad ideas - and I think it should be you!"

Never stop your mind drifting off to strange places.



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