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12 inch Revelation dob

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hiya all been a while since i visited here mostly down to illness within the family.since i bought my 1st telescope an astromaster 130 ive had so much enjoyment from it i feel its time for an upgrade and have decided on a 12 inch dob.i like the idea of the mead lightbridge and the skyliner 12 inch dobs but due to very low income i cannot afford them this moment in time,enter the Revelation astro 12 inch dob.has any one here owned or currently own this scope as im very interested in getting one as they have had good reviews and id love to hear of any experiences good or bad before i get one.i have to save hard to get it tho which means a good wait :o(,tho my astromaster will and still serves me well. cheers and clear nights to you all

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I agree - go used if you can - your £'s will go much further !

For what it's worth, the Revelation and Meade Lightbridges share the same optics and mirror cells so you get the same performance from them.

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A 12" Dob is very capable. Lots of folk own one and love them. However, I do think it would be a good idea to see one 'in the flesh' to get an idea of the size and weight.

This will be more of an issue if you need to transport it in a car, much less of an issue if it will be stored close to where it will be used.

All the best in your choice, Ed.

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