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Well having set up my skymax 127 goto scan

I thought all was to be ok....went out to dinner with my girlfriend, ( that was to be the only highlight of the evening )

Came home and attempted to set my scope to Polaris...no such luck, reportedly you can align this up in 2 mins??? I really beg to differ, I had the scope set at correct altitude and balanced, I then tried to find Polaris... The sky was clear enough to see the point of alignment.

After nearly an hour trying to align this scope I gave up, not through want of trying but sheer frustration, the claims on this telescope state it's easy to set up, I disagree, nothing is really clear, in fact I'm quite saddened at the thought that my recent purchase will sooner rather than later end up on eBay as I'm totally drained of both patience and will, such a shame because I really thought I'd enjoy this hobby.

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Don't worry yourself about it. I'm sure there'll be someone on here with a similar scope who'll help you out. With a bit of practice it will become second nature to you. Maybe not as quick as 2 mins though.

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Well having set up my skymax 127 goto scan

I thought all was to be ok....went out to dinner with my girlfriend, ( that was to be the only highlight of the evening )

Came home and attempted to set my scope to Polaris...no such luck, reportedly you can align this up in 2 mins??? I really beg to differ, I had the scope set at correct altitude and balanced, I then tried to find Polaris... The sky was clear enough to see the point of alignment.

After nearly an hour trying to align this scope I gave up, not through want of trying but sheer frustration, the claims on this telescope state it's easy to set up, I disagree, nothing is really clear, in fact I'm quite saddened at the thought that my recent purchase will sooner rather than later end up on eBay as I'm totally drained of both patience and will, such a shame because I really thought I'd enjoy this hobby.

Please don't give up just yet !!

Have a look at this thread for quite a lot of helpful info on the synscan GOTO system.

The 127 is a popular scope and you should get a good deal of pleasure from it. Practice and patience will help you master the GOTO.

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Thank you both of you who have replied with links and help, fear not i shall persevere with my new found hobby, to be honest I may have inputted the wrong coordinates, on the syncscsn it asks first for 3 digits then two digits west.... Then it asks for 2 digits then two more,

I've tried to input my GPS location but I'm thinking I'm doing something wrong?

Can anyone please help?

My scope is a skymax skywatcher 127 goto syncscan on a EQ3 mount

Many thanks

( tired but not beaten )


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Its a good scope mate. Mines on alt/az mount . it doesn't help that the date input is american but I found it easy to line up . fiddled around in daylight first just to get the hang of it . tho not used it for a bit so can't remember how I put lat/long in but will come back to me :)

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Just a quick note on aligning to Polaris. Don't assume that just because you've set your latitude on the mount that it will be correct for Polaris. These scales are a rough guide and you will still have to make minor latitude adjustments to get Polaris through the polarscope. That's if you we're trying to polar align

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Thank you

I know now where I've gone wrong and silent all of yesterday reading up and fiddling with the scope, hopefully tonight - they say it will be really clear, I'll get to put all the great fully deceived info to good use



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Yes I totally agree, I've spent the last hour aligning the lazer viewfinder, its all done, I located a distant object and got it in my centre scope, I then aligned the lazer for bang in the centre of the lazer finder. I then moved my telescope back to the home position- chose another random object, pointed my lazer finder and to my utter joy, it was only a fraction out, a little adjustment and I can now point and see what I'm looking at almost immediately!! Oh what joy!!

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I've just come back from Cornwall- lizard

The night skies were totally awesome, my girlfriend and I just sat outside and looked up at the night sky, it was so black as you've quite rightly stated, I'm both envious and curious as to what you'll see when you get down there?

Can I ask whereabouts you are going, and what kit you use please?

Kind regards


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I'm going about 5 miles from boscastle mate, its total blackness at night, no glow from any where.

I'll take the mak on its alt/az mount , have a maplins jump starter' 9x50 right angle correct image finder, and a Rigel red dot wotsit, picked up an electric focusser as well. I have a range of bst ep's and some 10x50 Pentax bins for general star gawping, I also have a 90mm refractor but can't fit that in that car as well as the other scope, the Mrs and the dog ;)

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

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Well... After what seemed a difficult start into the world of astronomy, last night I aligned my lazer to my main scope, although it was cloudy I could point and see exactly what I'm looking at now, both my girlfriend and I watched the ever cloudy skies getting worse but you know what? I couldn't of felt more relaxed behind the scope.

The one thing I will say is, is it just me or is standing in the garden late at night eerily calming? I had a few bats fly past right above my head, the bushes rustling with cats etc, I felt really relaxed and calm....suffice to say I'm totally and utterly hooked!!!

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I spend hours looking at the moon, something mesmerising about it.

It looks so near yet its so far away( not compared to other celestial stuff ) I never realise what the time is

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

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