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Skymax 127 OTA on a Astromaster EQ?

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Hi, I'm currently watching an item on eBay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/290961438868?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 it's a Skymax 127 OTA.

i currently have a Celestron 70mm frac on the Astromaster EQmount/tripod, can anyone tell me if the Skymax dove tail bar will fit my mount?

The seller said the Dove tail bar will come with the scope.

Also the other question would be is the Astromaster setup going to handle that scope?? It would only be temporary until I can get a AZ4 or GOTO mount.

thanks in advance


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frankly it will not be good with a skymax. the mount is wobbly and the field of view is small so it will not be ideal. However the skymax is a good scope and if you get it at a good price its well worth having. Remember these are 249 new so dont go overboard on the bidding 160 is the top end of a fair price for a second hand scope. In answer to your question I think the astromaster does take the vixen style bar but I could be wrong so don't take my word for it. found the link http://www.celestron.com/c3/support3/index.php?_m=knowledgebase&_a=viewarticle&kbarticleid=2464

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I always wonder when I see adverts like that if the seller realises there are at least half a dozen places in the UK called Newport :)

I think your mount will struggle to be honest, but you may get by for visual use for a while. The mount you have looks similar to an EQ1 or EQ2 at the very best to me and I don't think either would be desperately happy with the 127 Mak on top. Ideally you want an EQ3-2 or AZ4 as a minimum. I had mine on an EQ3-2 for some time until I foolishly started trying to do long exposure images of DSOs through it. It was fine for visual and solar/lunar/planetary imaging on the EQ3-2 though.


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