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William Optics Zenithstar ZS71 ED 2013

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Calling all owners of the above scope.............Do you use it with the 0.8x Reducer Flattener 6? if so does it fit properly? i.e. does it go all the way into the focus tube or does it protude slightly? Mine looks to be slightly out, in that the compression ring on the focuser is 1/2 way across the undercut of the reducer.

I have spoken to one other person and theirs is the same.......anyone else?

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I have the ZS71 coupled with the 0.8x Reducer/Flattener6 and push it as far it will go (checked the optical manual) and had initial issues with field curvature due to it not fitting snugly. I installed a third screw underneath the focuser where a hidden grub screw is located. It's a shame the reducer can't be screwed onto the focuser to avoid flexure. You can PM me if you wish to discuss, I have posted some ZS71 images in Ha taken with a focuser here including field analysis of my initial issues by Steve Richards.


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I also have the ZS71 coupled with the 0.8x Reducer/Flattener6 and it falls short by about 10mm.

I agree with GG the reducer should have had the option to screw it directly on the focuser.

I have checked my field analysis and it's looking around 16%. More worryingly is the slop between the

scope body & the rotating focuser. If you don't butt the joints together you do get sideways movement.


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I think the reducer/flattener wasn't designed for this scope, it just happens to be able to use it optically. As for the rotation part.........I don't (can't) use it at all, my scope is mounted on top of another and if I try to rotate it the focus knob hits the scope below!

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Hi Martin,

I also mount my Z71 on top of my ED80, but solved it as I had to make a new dovetail. Not enough forward

travel to balance the scope(s). I fixed the new dovetail onto the foot using the 2 x 1/4" whit screw holes.



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I have the ZS71 and was close to buying the flattener for it, not recommended?

I also have this question. I do notice Agenaastro has a new style reducer/flattener (out of stock), but doesn't actually list the 71.

Old: http://agenaastro.com/william-optics-2-0-8x-apo-reducer-field-flattener-6-p-flat-f6.html

New: http://agenaastro.com/william-optics-new-generation-2-0-8x-apo-reducer-field-flattener-3a.html

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