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Tak Baby Q with an SX H18


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I currently have a WO 98 FLT with a SXVR-H18 which has a sensor size of 17.96mm x 13.52mm.

I am toying with the idea of getting a Takahashi 85mm Baby Q. Plus Reducer. Having used Olly's.

Question is - would this be a good combo? Happy to crop if needed.



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Hi Ian,

Don't know a huge amount about the tech side, but from a pure aesthetic point of view, the FSQ85 and small pixel combination produces fantastic results; each and every time. Also no re-focusing issues with the 85 unlike some of the bigger Taks.

I use mine with a H694 and always on bin1 and I am just so impressed with it. It makes life easier (as you will have noticed at Ollys) and just works which is all I ask. ;-)

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I've used this chip, housed in QSI cameras, in our Baby Q. It works like a charm. Here's one from a guest's camera in our scope on Ian King's website. It's called Elephant Trunk by Chris Baker.


I've also used a couple of Atik 460s belonging to guests in the Baby Q. Stunning. Sensitive, clean, but a bit of a waste of that hugely expensive and enormous flat field. Then again, my larger 7 micron Atik 4000 pixels wasted the Tak's resolution, of course, but, boy, was it fast!! Ho Hum. If it were me I'd... go for the wider field, but you know my addictions!


PS, You cannot imagine my relief that the FSQ106/11 meg has worked out. Selling the Baby Q was a scary act. However the lure of the double 106/11 meg option in a partnership with Tom was beyond my will to resist. When Parcel Force attacked my inward bound 106 with a fork lift and smashed through the case I was even more scared. However, I like to think that this cost them the £480 in compensation and a new fork lift, because the Tak was fine! Heh heh.


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