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Lunar Time


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Science has it would seem, through observational research proven (reported on radio 4's PM programe) that we are all influenced by Lunar phases and function by a lunar clock. Most significantly during the phase of a full moon, in which we are more likely to suffer from disturbed and light sleep patterns.

This is not associated with the light of the moon, but could be an inherent primeval instinct, the old phase lunacy has some truth attached to it.

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This is not new news. Its been known for donkeys yrs that the human body is governed somewhat by lunar phases/cycles. I know the term "lunatic" comes from the the old belief that a full moon affected the way some people behaved during a full moon. I dont think there is still any scientific proof of that and it has basically been refuted by most. As far as i remember, from reading something once,women's "cycle" was/is governed strongly by lunar phases because way back in human evolution the safest time to have a child was when there was a full moon because of the amount of light given from it and any potential predators were more easily seen. Not the case today,but remnants of that primeval trait in humans still exists somewhat to this day..........

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