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Hi guys and gels

Is there any body out that can help me down load eqmod

I have have tried and always get stuck half way through

I have looked on YouTube and there are plenty on there on using it

But not a step by step guild to downloading it

Thank for looking


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When you say that you get stuck half way through downloading it - Is that downloading the actual programme to use from the internet or when you try to get it to run on your PC? If the latter, do you ever get an error message? Could you do a screen grab of how it goes wrong so that may help folks make suggestions.

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Hi thanks for that but last time but I joined yahoo I got hundreds of emails I did not want so i,m not so keen on that because I had a job to get rid it


I did at first but I just set it so you only receive a daily email with all the messages that have been posted

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i get stuck becoruse i not sure about downloading it It shows that surce force tthingy then there are options and i'm not sure where go from there

and i'm not the best with computers but once i'v been shown i can remember it when talk to members at our astro club thay look at me as if i 2 heads and none of have never head of it so thay not much help


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