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A comet and a bubble...sort of


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I had great intentions of presenting a composite Ha Bubble with a Lum Comet 2012 F6 Lemmon passing nearby, but!

The seeing was awful last night. The plan was to capture a few frames of widefield Ha to get the position and combine them with a deeper Ha shot of the bubble, then do an hour or so of Lum to capture the comet and layer the lot together to present a stunning one off image - Ha Ha!

Anyway part 1 and 2 of the idea came together but because the seeing was rubbish the actual comet bit is sadly lacking ho hum!

So here is a part image with a circle marking the position of the smudge that is the comet.


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I actually quite like that Martin. I was going to attempt the same shot last night with my lens but after taking a sub i decided not to and that Lemmon, the Bubble and M52 just wasn't all too impressive combined with my 200mm FOV :grin:

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I should have known better realy, when I started out the sky was yellow and I could only see a handfull of bright stars, but the forcast had it getting better later on in the night, sadly not the case. But if its better tonight I might have another go, the comet is a bit further away from M52 but still in my frame.

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