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How to start using Noel's Actions


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I have bought the above software and installed it into Photoshop CS5 as per the ReadMe file. As suggested I pulled the icon out to form a separate window from the working one.


This is how to use the Actions

To execute an action:

make the image you want to change the current window, click

once on the desired action, then click on the play button.

When I click on the Action, nothing happens. I can't see a "Play" button.

Can someone please suggest how to get this working? I expect I'm missing something obvious - this seem to be happening to me quite a lot lately :D

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The play button is just at the bottom of your screen grab, the bottom of the action palette.

Doh!! :mad: Thank you :) Found it! I was looking for a button labelled "Play" didn't think of the cryptic play button you get on video players etc.
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