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the sky tonight

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Give M57 a try in Lyra, that is well positioned, and maybe try the Double Double, Epsilon Lyrae nearby.

After sunset, Venus is visible low down if you have a good Western horizon and the four day old moon too. Will still be light then and be careful to let the sun set first.

Mizar/Alcor are a lovely sight in Ursa Major, and you could also try for the galaxies M81/M82 while your there.

How about Alberio in Cygnus, a lovely double of different colours.

Hope that gives a few ideas


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You might try M27 (The Dumbell Nebula) in Vulpecula. It's a beautiful Planetary Nebula in a lovely rich star field. It will be a lovely sight in your six inch. Search for it with your 25mm eyepiece (or 32mm if you have one). You will notice it easily when it is in the field, on low power it looks like a roundish patch of gaseous material. A higher power will bring out the true shape. Make sure you look when it's as dark as it gets. It is a wonderful sight in a dark sky and when there isn't much haze.

Regards, Paul

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