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200P Storage

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I've only had my 200P a month and I'm still keeping it in the cardboard and polystyrene it came in as I can't think of anything better. It's indoors so I think it should be fine for now.

How do you store yours? Do you have a case or box, did you make one yourself or are there commercially available ones?

Also, in fairness to the rest of the family I'm now storing it vertically in the corner of the room, is this ok? If so, which way up is best? I've opted for big mirror at the top, open end at the bottom because I figure I'd rather have dust and dirt fall away from the mirror.



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I keep it in the shed. The OTA sits on the Dobs mount locked pointing to upright position. I then cover the whole OTA with a large thick plastic bag, and tie securely with a string.

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Mines in the dining room area sitting upright on it's rims (not on the collimation screws) on top of three counterweights. I keep the lid on so it's dust free, with mirror at the bottom cos that keeps the center of gravity low and it's less likely to get tipped over.

If bringing it in from the cold night air to the warm house, I leave it in the utility room overnight, on the mount, pointing downwards, so any condensation inside the tube drips out of the end and not onto the mirror making a smear. Then back in the dining room once it's fully dried out. :)

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I made a coffin for mine, which is big enough to hold the scope, eyepiece/accessory case, flat field panel, guide camera box, dew heaters and a few other accessories! It keeps it nice and safe in the house and on trips away, where other luggage can be packed on top of it. The box has wheels on one end, so I can trundle it if I can't park right next to the observing spot.


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I made a coffin for mine, which is big enough to hold the scope, eyepiece/accessory case, flat field panel, guide camera box, dew heaters and a few other accessories! It keeps it nice and safe in the house and on trips away, where other luggage can be packed on top of it. The box has wheels on one end, so I can trundle it if I can't park right next to the observing spot.

That's great Stephen, I'm very jealous :grin:

I used to know someone who makes flight cases, I might have to look him up.

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