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M51-making progress-slowly!

dark star

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Hi, after quite a few attempts at M51 I have finally got an image that I quite like; although I still have a long way to go when compared to many of the images on here!

Orion Optics UK 250mm f4.5 reflector, modded Canon 450d, guided with a finder guider, DMK41 CCD camera and PHD. Astronomik CLS clip CCD light pollution filter, Baader MPCC Coma Corrector. APT for controlling the image capture (and focusing using the FWHM tool), Windows XP computer.

ISO 800, flats, darks. I think this is around 2 and a half hours from 2 different nights taken recently. However, as this is the first time I have used batch stacking in DSS and I am still figuring it out, I do keep wondering if it has combined the two nights! A combination of 1 minute, 2 minute, 3 minute and 5 minute exposures. Eventually I will figure out what the best exposure time is! Processed in PSP3. I still have a lot to learn about processing (and everything else!) But I am quite pleased to feel like I am getting somewhere.




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Mmm-looking at the image again it still needs a lot of work doing on the processing, especially the sky background! Thanks to everyone on the site who gave advice to help me to get this far!


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Nice one David, It takes a fair while to start producing really good images,

I wish my first images came out as well as this one has.

Its all about practice like anything the more you do it the easier it gets.

It might help the image a bit if you keep the background a little darker,

and you have a fair gradient in the picture, I think there is some software that can

remove this think its called gradient exterminator, or something along those lines,

you might even be able to remove it in photo shop some how.

Check out the forum there's always information to hand.

Well done


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Hi David, no one will be a harsher critic of your images than you. You obviously know what you're not happy with about your image. Dispite that, it is a really nice capture. It is easy to tell what it is and the detail you have managed to get is well defined.

I am sure that some tips etc will not be slow in coming.

As I am achieving diddly squat with my planetary imaging at the moment and looking at you image here, I think I will go back and give DSOs another try.

Keep up the good work & I'm sure you will come on in leaps and bounds.

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