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Registering images taken with different cameras.

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I,m trying to alighn & register images taken with different cameras,therefore different FOV.

I,m using the alighn mode in Maxim DL,using manual 2 star alighn.

All seems well,until i try to merge the images in Photo-shop.

Then i get duplicate stars next to the real ones,and in different colours.

I tend to use the smaller scale image as a reference in Maxim,and the end result does show rotation of the images to the refrence image.

But merging RGB does,nt like it.

Dont know whats going wrong.

Can you help.


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Give astrometric alignment a try. You will need images that are solvable though. This means FITS but you can run a batch conversion if they're in another format. If you do this then you'll require a minimum set of headers to indicate the time that the images were taken.


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I use Maxim to do this task and it works very well indeed. I choose my two stars as far away from one another as possible but don't do anything else special. Can you post up two of your images to try on my own system?

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Or there's Registar. It's a one click operation and infallible.



You go:

"Here you are Registar, some images I took with a 50mm camera lens, and some with my 80mm 'frac, and some with my SCT and a 2x barlow..."

Registar goes:

"Sorted. Taa Daa!"

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+2 Registar....

As I have said before it's a bit of a one trick pony but superb at it.. also handy for alignign and combining LRGB and NB with mathematical relationships between the mix although I guess there are other packages for doing that as well these days...

A couple of years aio we cid and "SGL" M31 and M42 with data coming form a whole host of diferent cameras, scope, camera lenses etc... Tim worked his magic on the data...


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Not cheap though is it! $149..... Gee whiz.....

Cheap as chips, given what it has allowed me to do. The slightly more famous Robert Gendler says the same! Many of the most admired images seen on SGL have been through Registar. It must have taken an incredible amount of writing so I'd say - buy it and join the party.


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Indeed. Point taken chaps.

EDIT: Could that $149 be better put towards Maxim DL that Steve uses? Astroart + Registar is nigh getting on for the cost of Maxim DL and that's the daddy by all accounts..... ? Just thinking aloud....

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