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IR Moon

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During a photographic course I completed recently I had a Nikon D70 converted to only take IR photography. That is what the red moon is attached, not PS. Is there a use I can put my camera to in regards to using it for astro imaging? Also, I can focus my canon 5dmk2 when its attached to my SW200p via a t mount, but I cannot seem to focus my IR modded Nikon, any help would be appreciated. The photo was taken via camera lens and tripod. Kev


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I am looong way to being an expert but isn't this a Newtonian telescope? I think I read somewhere that the Newtonian telescopes do not have sufficient "focus travel" to be used without modifications for astrophotography. I think using eyepiece projection technique might fix your problem. If not maybe making physical changing to the telescope ( which might be tricky...).

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razvans is right I think. I can't get my dslr to focus on my dob either when it's attached directly. I put a barlow on it and that works well but does restrict the views a bit. The only other reasonable option is to change your focuser for a slimline? one that lets you get the dslr closer to the tube.

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Cheers guys, I have no problem either with the canon, its the nikon that won't focus. I don't really want to move the mirror as then presumably my problem will be the other way round.

Many thanks


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