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Extra supplies of Red Bull for the south west please!


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Looks like we might be about to enter a decent run of both clear nights and clear days. Best I finish off collimating the dob this weekend...


Come on James, you are not trying to tell us it takes you 2 days and 2 night of effort to collimate a dobsonian are you? :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

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Come on James, you are not trying to tell us it takes you 2 days and 2 night of effort to collimate a dobsonian are you? :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

I'm using the "collimation for the rectally retentive" method, starting with removing the secondary and spider and checking the focuser alignment and working on from there. Next step is to find a camera I can bodge to get Mire de Collimation (sp?) to work.


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Forecast looks OK for here too (but then I'm only about 20 miles southwest of James). Coincidentally I'm going to be stripping down FLO's 14" flextube for the same purpose although I'm looking for excuses to do that some other time.

Full moon's a bit of a pain and the stuff I want to image doesn't clear my neighbours house until about 2am so Red Bull may be needed here to. Perhaps James, we can put in a bulk order for delivery down here :)


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I actually want the Moon. I have set myself a target of getting a lunar image for each day between New Moons. Not twenty-eight in a row, obviously. If that happens I shall celebrate by having roast Dodo for dinner.


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