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Very interesting

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I've no problem with investigations into Unidentified Flying Objects being reopened as long as it is approached rationally and scientifically and a ludicrous amount of money isn't spent. There are lots of things seen by people that are flying and unidentified hence UFO but many seem to approach UFO's as if they must by default be alien beings whizzing around in their equivalent to a Eurofighter looking down at us humble earthlings. Maybe they are, maybe they're not but everytime a UFO turns out to be nothing more than a goose caught up in the jetstream those that believe they are aliens just get discredited and look a trifle foolish.


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It may be a good idea to restart this 'we are not alone investigation' stuff. I wonder how many people watched the original moon landing expecting to see LGM. When they just saw dust they all got bored very quickly. Now there is a whole new generation to spin to - so start the investigations again and get some interest going. And if men go to the moon and dig up a large slab...

I saw a UFO once - it was triangular and travelling fast with bright lights. Later I worked out it was a Concorde running just above the high cloud layer with all its landing lights on for some reason. The strange thing was that, unlike shake the ground normal Concorde, this one was not making a sound. I used to like Concorde - it used to turn our street light on and off when making a low pass over us and the airfield at the Farnborough show. If it had been American there would be hundreds still flying very fast over land or sea - as it is no-one can fly supersonic over the US - not even US fighter pilots.

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If it had been American there would be hundreds still flying very fast over land or sea - as it is no-one can fly supersonic over the US - not even US fighter pilots.

American environmentalists killed the Super Sonic Transport, (SST), program for Boeing, so we ended up not even in the running.

As for fighter pilots, I regularly hear sonic booms over the nearby Goldwater gunnery range. Yeah, technically they're not supposed to do it, but they do anyway. Doesn't bother me, but it sure spooked my old dog. He was never the same after lightning hit our power pole and smoked the transformer.

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