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Absolute beginner question re. software for astroimaging

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Could you please tell me how to connect a canon 300d to my laptop (windows vista) to use astro dslr software e.g. DSLR shutter etc - using the usb cable only is obviously not how this is done (testament to the last 3 hours of my life wasted ...)

Also any suggestions re. what software to use both for controlling the dslr and processing (hopefully) the images obtained would be very gratefully received.

Thankyou, Chris

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using the usb cable only is obviously not how this is done (testament to the last 3 hours of my life wasted ...)


not sure I understand your question. Using the usb cable only is obviously how this is done. You will have a USB lead that came with your camera. Plug this into camera and into the laptop - connected :grin:

You can use a couple of different camera control software programmes ATP (Astronomy Photography Tool) or Back Yard EOS.

I use APT. Which ever you choose to use follow the instructions with the programme.


  1. Connect camera to laptop as per above.
  2. Start APT, fully.
  3. Turn on Camera
  4. Once the camera red light has stopped flashing and "busy" has disappeared from the camera LCD click "Connect to Camera" on APT

Hope that helps, but as I say I am struggling to understand your question.

You will need to create a "Plan" with your chosen programme which details exposure length, ISO, number of light frames, dark frames, bias frames, flat frames etc

Once your images have been captured most people stack them in DSS (Deep Sky Stacker)

For post processing of you images most people use Photo shop CS5 or later

This is a very brief synopsis of the steps


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