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EQMOD "error timeout" on connection

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As it says really,

I'm trying to operate my mount via laptop (using eqdir usb). this is how I go about it.

1. Connected eqdir usb to laptop which automatically downloaded drivers.

2. Connect to mount

3. Open toolbox in EQMOD/EQASCOM/TOOLBOX and click on the driver setup button and do setup

4. Click on Test connect

5. Get "error timeout" message although the toolbox says its connected

I really need help with this as it's driving me mad. I know i've watched a video relating to this recently but i've watched that many I can't remember where to find it.

Thanks for reading


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The EQMOD ASCOM driver isn't a stand alone program but there is nothing wrong with using the toolbox as a means of starting it - indeed this is the recomended first step for those new to EQMOD because it allows you to see the timeout error message (CDC will simply close EQMOD before you get a chance to read it!).

First off check that the correct com port and baud rate (9600) have been set on the EQMOD setup screen. Note that the COM port must be 16 or less - if a higher one has been assigned to your EQDIR then you'll need to re-assign it using the device manager.

I personally wouldn't trust automatic driver installs - probably better to follow the link on the vendors website.


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